Today I finished the dancing guy for this year's display. This fellow will come on during one of the more rock and roll portions of the show and dance to the music.
It's just a wood frame with chicken wire, and rope light attached to that.
He has six moves. The final two look a little weird, but I think when he's computer controlled and just doing each move for milliseconds, it should be just fine.
The Ace Hardware store in nearby North Vernon, Indiana had a bankruptcy auction this past Friday and it was a Christmas decorations bonanza. Being the only decorating fanatic there in June, I was pretty much unopposed on the bidding.
Most of the items still had the price tags attached. I spent right around $120 and when I added up just the items with the tags attached, I had $3470 in merchandise. Not sure what I will do with all of this stuff, but what a haul!
A couple shots of the complete haul.
Tons of garland to be used on the rebuilt z-tree this season!
This huge wreath was one thing I really had my eye on. It breaks down into four pieces and is over six feet across. It had $289 on the price tag... I paid $15 :)
Paid $4 for this tree
I didn't bother fluffing any of the trees and such out for the inventory pics, but you get the idea.. Got three of these palm trees for $5, they were labeled $112.99 each! Three of these
Lots of lights, quite a few are LED!
Set on wrapping paper for the next 100 years
Handy light reels
lots of miscellaneous stockings and santa hats
39 of these bows labeled $1.99 each.. .gave two dollars!
Cinammon scented pine cones.. who knows, they were mixed in on a whole section of shelf that I bought
More Garland, some 25' lengths and some 9' in boxes...