I had included more than twice the standard number of braces, etc. but the brittleness of the pvc and the wind proved to be way too much for it.
I certainly don't want to go through that again, so this year's version is constructed of steel tubing. It's heavy, but I don't think it will be blowing down again. I also reconstructed my pvc video screen/wreath as it didn't fare much better.
Last weekend was the test fitting to make sure all the bolt holes lined up, etc. It is made to fit around a fountain in my front yard and I will be anchoring some eye hooks into the concrete pad the fountain sits on and using ratched straps to hold the tree in place. I don't intend to use external anchor lines this season, as the weight of the tree should be enough along with the internal anchors.

The tray is for the three snow machines that will live there during the season.

There's the wreath. Still have to add a mounting system to hold it upright.

All lined up, just needs garland and lights. Note the square section in the center of the bottom sections to clear the fountain. I am considering making some sort of 'panels' using chicken wire to hold the garland and lights so I can assemble the tree as just a frame then add that once it's up.. still thinking about that one.
Oh well, got to hammer on getting the haunted house completed and open the next couple of weeks, then I can get back to this project.