I haven't posted any setup updates since last week, but I have been working all day every day. Most of my work lately has been in wiring... connecting all of the individual elements of the show to the LightORama controllers that make them dance to the music.
For example, controller 1 is located on the roof and controls 15 snowflakes on the front of the house and the nativity set in the side yard. (each controller has 16 channels or circuits than can turn on and off, fade, shimmer, twinkle, etc.)

Controller 2 controls the lights in the garland on the house (5 colors) the lights on the shrubs (5 colors) and the lights on the wreath/video screen (5 colors). Channel 16 activates the strobes spread throughout the display. You can also see the projector in the window that powers the video screen. That big lens is a short throw lens so the wreath/video screen can stay close to the house.

Controllers 3, 4 and 5 control the large tree and the medium trees in the front yard, the big tree has four sections with five colors each (20 channels) the three sided star (3 channels) and the Sunray fixture in the center of the star (1 channel). I also used a spare channel to turn the nativity star on and off separately from the rest of the figures.

Controller 6 controls the 16 candy canes along the front of the display.

And now for the controller hog, the new bellagio fountain..controllers 7,8,9 and 10 control the leaping lights arches and the side jets of the fountain. (controllers 11,12,13,14,15,16 handle the 12 jets in the center of the fountain). This beast uses 160 channels all together.